Sauter,創建於1819年,已有兩世紀以上製琴經驗,屹立為德國最悠久的鋼琴製造商之一,也是全球少數自創立伊始至今仍由創始家族個人經營管理的公司。作為少數完全在德國本土製造樂器且僅採用德國製造零件的製琴商,Sauter將秉承這一傳統繼續前行。多本全球權威鋼琴期刊如《The Piano Buyer》和《鋼琴鑒賞手冊》等多次予Sauter鋼琴最高的評價,肯定了Sauter的品質及價值。
With its establishment dating back to 1819, Sauter stands as a testament to over two centuries of German piano manufacturing heritage, distinguished as one of the most venerable companies in the industry and the first to remain under the continuous private ownership and management of its founding family. Committing to a legacy of self-sufficiency, Sauter exclusively utilizes German-made components and maintains complete in-house production, a principle set to be upheld for the foreseeable future. Many of the world's leading piano journals, such as The Piano Buyer and Piano Manual, have repeatedly given Sauter pianos the highest ratings, recognizing Sauter's quality and value.